WCA Full Membership
Application Form
When you become a member of or renew your full membership with Wells City Archers you will automatically be registered as a member of Archery GB and the relevant County and Region. We will provide Archery GB with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you (https://agb.sport80.com) which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings. If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with Archery GB, please contact gdpr@archerygb.org.
Wells City Archers will hold your membership data for the purposes of the business of the club. We are required to hold the details you have provided us with for your membership for insurance purposes. If you do not consent to us holding your data, we will not be able to proceed with your application
Please complete fully and update Archery GB (via https://agb.sport80.com) and the club secretary (via secretary@wellscityarchers.com) if anything changes.
Payment Information BACS Payments: a/c 40104655, sort 20-99-40 using your name as payment reference
Wells City Archers, Rowden Road, Wells, BA5 1TU