WCA Associate Membership
Application Form

Before completing and submitting this form you should have signed up and/or checked your details with Sport80 (via https://agb.sport80.com); and paid the appropriate AGB affiliation fee direct.  Without this, you cannot become a member of Wells City Archers.

When you become a member of or renew your membership with Wells City Archers you will automatically be affiliated to the relevant County and Region who will have limited read only permissions to your membership details.

Wells City Archers will hold your membership data for the purposes of the business of the club.

If you decline to consent to us holding your data, we regret we will not be able to proceed with your membership application, as we are required by law to hold the data for insurance purposes.

Please complete this form fully and update Archery GB (via https://agb.sport80.com)  

and the club secretary (via secretary@wellscityarchers.com)  if anything changes.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
If the application is for a junior, this must be the email address of the parent/guardian
Membership Type
We wish to ensure that we can, where reasonable and practicable, support those who have a disability. We are therefore requesting, if there is anything the club can do to support you to access the club offerings in regards your personal circumstances, and if there are reasonable adjustments that the club could consider, please complete this box. The Equality Act 2010 considers you disabled if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. Please visit https://www.gov.uk/definition-of-disability-under-equality-act-2010 for further guidance.
Wellls City Archers Newsletter:
I consent to receive the WCA newsletter so that I can be informed of events and activities, and for health and safety and insurance purposes
Consent: I consent for Wells City Archers and Archery GB to hold my data, and for County and Region to have limited read only permissions
If you decline to consent to us holding your data, we regret we will not be able to proceed with your membership application, as we are required by law to hold the above data for insurance purposes
Golden Records
Wells City Archers uses an online system, “Golden Records (GR)”, to record and collate members’ scores, for the purpose of progression, competitions, awards and club records. For more information visit: https://wellscityarchers.com/golden-records-information/
WCA Working Groups
Please choose which aspect of club development and maintenance you would like to contribute towards this year. See WCA working groups document at top of the page for more information. You can choose more than one group!
I hereby sign to confirm that I apply for membership of Wells City Archers and I have read and agree to be bound by its constitution, governance and rules (see above) as existing and amended from time to time, and those of other bodies to which Wells City Archers is affiliated including the AGB Rules of Shooting and AGB Code of Conduct and AGB Safeguarding Policy (see above). I agree to contribute at events organised by Wells City Archers, and to the maintenance of equipment and shooting ranges. Your typed name is sufficient
For Junior members: Parental Consent: I hereby consent to the above named junior(s) joining Wells City Archers. I hereby confirm that I am the applicant’s Parent/Guardian and that an adult guardian will remain with the junior during club sessions and take responsibility for their actions. Your typed name is sufficient.

Payment Information   BACS Payments: a/c 40104655, sort 20-99-40 using your name  as payment reference

Wells City Archers, Rowden Road, Wells, BA5 1TU

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