WCA Tournaments
Application Form

During the indoor season we shoot
a Frostbite outdoors
and a Portsmouth indoors.
Depending on numbers of entrants we may run them concurrently, and so you may shoot them in either order.
You are welcome to shoot both on the same day; or just choose to shoot one.

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If you book to shoot both the Frostbite and Portsmouth on the same day, we will assume that you do not mind the order in which you shoot them. If you choose just one (either the Frostbite or the Portsmouth), can you please indicate if you have a preference to shoot in the morning or afternoon.
19 January
16 February
16 March

When you enter competitions the following information may be collected and shared with tournament organisers, scoring systems and other competitors for example target lists and results may be published: First Name, Surname, Gender, Bowstyle, Age Category, Round.

Start Time:

Arrive as you wish, but be set-up ready to shoot before 9.55am

9.55am collectively set up the range

10.10am Assembly

10.15am Sighters


The afternoon shoot normally starts around 1pm


All juniors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian who must stay for the duration of the shoot.

Closing date:

One week prior to the shoot.

Entry form and questions to:

Paul Grinham tournaments@wellscityarchers.com

Wells City Archers, Rowden Road, Wells, BA5 1TU

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